One Hundred Years of Solitude will not be voted as the favorite book of this years' club. It's long and confusing and of six generations of a family, they recycle the same four names over and over. I resorted to making flowcharts and family trees to keep myself awake and on track. I thought I was gonna lose my bookclub friends over this one.....but this group of women never disappoints. We found plenty of meaningful discussion and then went on a tangent to dividing the room into two camps....those with OCD and those with ADD. We all know which camp I fall into and if you can't remember, I'll give you a clue. My dishwasher is half unloaded.....I have four books going right now....and I can't find the piece of scrap paper that I jotted stuff down on today at bookclub.

We now move into the chapter of
The Well Educated Mind on memoirs. We start with an autobiography on St.Teresa of Avila....hosted by Sue....on Feb. 20. I have to say I'm thankful to be done with the book of magical realism with too much insest and too few names. I need to read some literary fluff before I start back into the 'classics'.
Our schedule for the spring, in case you want to read along, is as follows:
Feb. 20 The autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila
Mar. 19 The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (changed to Thursday because of G-parents day)
Apr. 17 Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis (Leigh Ann's)
May 15 Elie Wiesel (Kim's)
More info upcoming on the children's bookclub that we will start in June. We will try to do three books this summer and potentially have 2 groups- a 1-3 grade and 4-6. The book we will use to guide the children is called Deconstructing Penguins. I haven't ask yet, but maybe Pamela would like to be our moderator for one of the groups? Pretty please.
A huge thank you to Polly for opening her amazing home to us. Shame on me for forgetting my memory card. I will have to make a trip back soon to take pics. The food and fellowship were wonderful as always! And even though this wasn't my favorite book, I'm loving this bookclub.
Thanks for hanging in there girls even when the going gets tough.
Love to you all,